How Retail Stores Can Improve Teamwork Through Employee Collaboration

Collaboration drives teamwork. And yet, despite relying heavily on a large and diverse workforce to carry out daily operations, many retail outlets aren't giving employee collaboration the attention it deserves.  According to a study by Queens University of Charlotte, about 75% of employers believe collaboration and teamwork are 'extremely important.'...



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Collaboration drives teamwork. And yet, despite relying heavily on a large and diverse workforce to carry out daily operations, many retail outlets aren’t giving employee collaboration the attention it deserves. 

According to a study by Queens University of Charlotte, about 75% of employers believe collaboration and teamwork are ‘extremely important.’ However, only 39% of their employees say they don’t collaborate enough at work.

This disconnect is costing retail stores thousands of dollars in productivity and employee turnover. Industry experts warn that unless retail managers find ways to jump this hurdle, these challenges will get worse. So, what can you do as a manager or a CEO?

Ease Communication

As long communication is unclear or one-sided, the collaboration will remain a pipe dream. Therefore, it’s no surprise that 67% of employees say that poor communication is the biggest impediment to collaboration  

Some retailers are turning to mobile-based employee communication tools to solve this challenge. These tools facilitate instant connections between team members by offering employees access to searchable information 24/7. The employee communication software also enables managers to share important information with all their employees at the same time.

Share Resources and Product Knowledge

Everyone knows that knowledge is power. But are you doing enough to allow your employees to share knowledge, resources, and insight?

Employees feel more empowered to contribute and become more efficient if knowledge is shared. When employees have the tools to share resources, give and get constructive feedback, retain product knowledge, and train to develop new skills, organizations will develop the employee of the future.

Invest In The Right Collaboration Tools

Building a digital workplace is the most realistic way to promote long term employee collaboration. With over 80% of companies today using collaboration tools, you can’t afford to be left behind.

Employees also look at how you use technology in your company when deciding to join your firm, stay or leave. Millennials, generation X, and Y in particular support the use of collaboration tools. And not just any tools but mobile-driven solutions. 

Lead By Example

Retail companies need more than technology to build a culture of collaboration where teams thrive. Proving employees with collaboration tools can improve communications and make your company more transparent. However, no single technology can fix it all at once.

Before turning to employee collaboration software, make sure managers prioritize teamwork. If your managers don’t listen to employees, the collaboration between coworkers will be hindered even if you invest in a new tool. As such, it pays to lead by example.

Improve Employee Collaboration In Your Company

Boosting teamwork through employee collaboration needs more than just dividing workers into groups. Teamwork is facilitated through technology, excellent communication, and inspiring leadership.

At PlayerLync, we want to help organizations build a teamwork culture through collaboration because we have seen its tremendous impact. To learn more, please read our guide: The State Of Internal Communication for Frontline Employees.
